How Often Should Your Mom Go To The Doctor
How often should your senior mom be seeing these professionals? 24-hour home care can also help ensure your senior mom goes to the doctor. Here are the answers you may be looking for.
How Personal Care at Home Helps Seniors Who Can’t Walk
When seniors aren’t able to walk well on their own anymore, they may need some additional help as discussed here from personal care at home.
Celebrating Our Stars: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and Welcoming New Talents!
As the new year begins, it’s time to gather (even if it’s virtually!) and sprinkle some joyous confetti in the air.
Your Senior Parent Should Be Spending Time With Friends
Here are some reasons why finding friends and maintaining friendships is so important for seniors. Their home care providers can assist them in meeting this goal.
Essential Services That Allow Seniors To Safely Live At Home
There are a lot of services that seniors can access at home to make it easier for them to get the care they need and stay at home. Learn more about them.
The Most Common Injuries That Happen When Seniors Fall
Falls are one of the most common fears that seniors and their families have when seniors are aging in place. When seniors fall at home the most common injuries they experience are listed here.
Celebrating Milestones: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and New Additions!
As we gather around the virtual confetti, it’s time to raise our virtual glasses and give a resounding cheer for the incredible individuals who have made our workplace shine brighter.
Staying Fit After 60 and How Physical Therapy Can Help
Physical therapy can play a crucial role in designing personalized exercise programs, addressing limitations, managing chronic conditions, and maximizing independence, empowering seniors to lead active and fulfilling lives.
The 10 Most Difficult Chores For Seniors To Do
Seniors who have senior home care will have the help they need so that they can safely live at home. Here are some of the chores they can take over.
Ways To Keep A Senior Parent With Alzheimer’s Hydrated
Millions of seniors are chronically dehydrated. Some easy things that family members can do to help keep a senior parent with Alzheimer’s hydrated are discussed here.