Five Easy Ways to Help Your Loved One After a Hospital Visit
If your elderly loved one is about to have a hospital visit, it’s not too early to begin planning for what to do once the hospital stay is over. Here are some tips.
How to Heighten Safety in Your Mom’s Home When She Has Low Vision
In-home rehabilitation would provide occupational therapy and physical therapy services to help with the suggestions discussed here.
Celebrating Milestones: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and New Additions!
As we gather around the virtual confetti, it’s time to raise our virtual glasses and give a resounding cheer for the incredible individuals who have made our workplace shine brighter.
What Help Do Seniors Need After a Stroke?
Starting out with skilled nursing help and adding other types of assistance as needed offers a way for seniors to begin their recovery process from a stroke on a strong footing.
Celebrate National Cookbook Month Together
During National Cookbook Month it’s a great time to dust off those old cookbooks that your elderly loved one has in her kitchen and give them a fresh lookover.
Tips to Keep Your Senior Happy in Your Home
To help make the transition smoother and to keep it running well, here are six tips to consider when having your loved one move in with you.
Physical Therapy At Home Helps Seniors After A Fall
If your senior loved one has had a fall it may be helpful to have physical therapy providers to help them be mobile again and recover any mobility that they lost.
Celebrating Milestones: Birthdays, Anniversaries, and New Additions!
As we gather around the virtual confetti, it’s time to raise our virtual glasses and give a resounding cheer for the incredible individuals who have made our workplace shine brighter.
What Helps During Prostate Cancer Treatments?
President Biden proclaimed September as National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. When it’s your dad who learns he has prostate cancer, what should your family expect?
Services Personal Care Aides Provide to Clients
Personal care at home aides ensure your mom’s grooming and hygiene needs are tended to. Here are some of the things they do to help her.