Senior Care News

Getting Help For Your Loved One With Parkinson’s Disease

Client advocacy services can help you coordinate services for your loved one with Parkinson's, get referrals for specialists, create a full-spectrum plan, and so much more.

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive disease that affects the nervous system. It can affect the way a person moves, as well as affect how well other systems in the body operate. While each person’s Parkinson’s journey is different, there is no cure or treatment to stop the progression, so most patients and their families understand that the disease will progress and get worse. Planning for those days can help you find support and coping methods for now and the future and seeking advice from a client advocacy services team would be beneficial.

The Stages of Parkinson’s Disease

Client Advocacy Services Deerfield Beach FL - Getting Help For Your Loved One With Parkinson's Disease
Client Advocacy Services Deerfield Beach FL – Getting Help For Your Loved One With Parkinson’s Disease

These stages all have different timelines and it’s impossible to know when the next stage will begin. Your doctor may prescribe certain medications or recommend specific lifestyle changes to help slow down the progression of your loved one.

Stage 1. During the first onset of the disease, symptoms are usually fairly mild. They may affect only one side of the body and the patient may not even notice them yet. Medications are generally not needed and the person with Parkinson’s disease can continue doing all of the things he’s used to doing without any struggle.

Stage 2. The symptoms are still mild but begin to affect both sides of the body. The person is aware of the changes and can notice them but they aren’t strong enough to stop him from doing most chores or activities. He will react well to medications and can feel like he doesn’t even have the disease most days.

Stage 3. At this stage, the symptoms become more prevalent and the person with Parkinson’s disease will begin to notice changes in his ability to walk and remain balanced. At this stage, most Parkinson’s patients begin to need help with some daily activities. They may struggle to button a shirt or shave. It’s also at this stage that the likelihood of falls increases, necessitating the assistance of a walker or cane if no one is nearby to help with walking.

Stage 4. During this stage, the ability to control movement and balance becomes even more affected so that your loved one won’t feel safe without a walker for support to get around the home and on errands. He will no longer be able to drive and may need assistance with bathing, cleaning, and cooking.

Stage 5. In the final stage, the person with Parkinson’s disease becomes non-ambulatory and will need a wheelchair to get from place to place. He will also need round-the-clock care for most of his needs.

Enlist a Client Advocacy Services Team for Support

There is a lot to balance and learn about as you help your loved one through this health diagnosis. It can be overwhelming for many people. While there might be a lot of resources out there to help families, sometimes finding those resources is difficult. A client advocacy services provider can help you find the help you need to give your loved one all of the support he needs physically, mentally, financially, and medically. Client advocacy services can help you coordinate services for your loved one, get referrals for specialists, create a full-spectrum plan, and so much more. Their job is to support you and your loved one and help you find balance so that you can still enjoy the little moments together.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Client Advocacy Services in Deerfield Beach FL, please contact the caring staff at Star Multi Care today. Call 954-962-0926.

Star Multi Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Florida including Palm Beach, Miami Dade, and Broward County.

Stephen Sternbach

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