Senior Care News

How Can You Help Both You and Your Senior Deal with the Embarrassment of Incontinence?

Homecare in Hallandale FL: Incontinence can be really embarrassing for you and for your aging adult, but there's hope.

No matter what type of incontinence issues your senior is battling, it can be extremely embarrassing for her. It might also be embarrassing for you.


Homecare in Hallandale FL: Embarrassment of Incontinence


Talk about it, But Not All the Time

Incontinence is definitely something that you and your elderly family member need to talk about, but there are plenty of other topics, too. If there’s something that one or both of you need to address or to correct, then you definitely need to talk. But if there’s nothing new going on, you don’t have to worry about talking about the situation constantly.


Put Anger and Frustration out of the Way

It’s really easy to let anger and frustration about incontinence get to you, especially when you’ve got so much going on as a caregiver. But think about this. Do you really believe that your senior is losing continence on purpose? Given a choice, hardly anyone would ever truly want to be incontinent. This is a situation that your elderly family member can only control to a certain extent. It’s not right to lay blame at her feet.


Try to Find the Humor in the Situation

Believe it or not, you and your senior may be able to find quite a bit of humor in the situation at some point. The key here is that you’re never laughing at your elderly family member. You’re laughing at something in the situation itself. You never want to make your elderly family member feel as if you’re making fun of her.


Use Incontinence Products that Work for Her

Many aging adults are nervous about using incontinence products. They may fear that everyone will know what is going on or they may worry that people who find out will laugh at them. But incontinence products are made better than ever before and they can help your senior to live a full life even when she’s battling a situation that is difficult for her to control.


Get Some Experienced Assistance

Especially at first it can be really demanding to help your senior as much as she needs. Hiring elderly care providers can be amazing for both of you because they have helped other aging adults through similar situations. They know a lot of tricks and tips that can help you and your senior to feel at ease with incontinence very quickly.

As you and your elderly family member become experts in dealing with incontinence it will get easier for both of you to set the embarrassment aside. Remember that this isn’t something your elderly family member is doing on purpose and the rest will follow.

If you or a family member are in need of a Homecare in Hallandale, FL, call the caring professionals at Star Multi Care today at (954) 870-4770.

Providing service in Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, Boynton Beach, Weston, Southwest Ranches, Pembroke Pines, Cooper City, Lighthouse Point, and Wilton Manors.

Stephen Sternbach
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