Senior Care News

Keeping Your Loved One’s Teeth Healthy

For some seniors, taking care of their teeth and mouth becomes more difficult as they age because of physical limitations. Here are some tips.

If your elderly loved one is lucky enough to still have all of her teeth, keeping them healthy is still an important part of her routine. As we age, other factors such as dry mouth, bone loss, and other age-related disorders can affect the teeth as well as other parts of the body so staying on top of oral health is especially important. For some seniors, taking care of their teeth and mouth becomes more difficult as they age because of physical limitations. They may not be able to hold the toothbrush well or twist and turn the floss throughout their mouth. This is when having someone like a personal care at home provider step in to assist can help your loved one ensure that her healthy oral care habits provide her with years of well-cared-for teeth.

Five Way Personal Care at Home Providers Can Help With Oral Care

Personal Care Tamarac FL - Keeping Your Loved One's Teeth Healthy
Personal Care Tamarac FL – Keeping Your Loved One’s Teeth Healthy

Brushing the Teeth

For some elderly individuals, it becomes difficult to stand at the bathroom sink and brush their teeth. They may have problems standing or holding onto a toothbrush. They may find it difficult to apply the needed pressure to all areas of the teeth, from the front to the back. Brushing helps reduce plaque buildup, which if not removed, can cause tooth decay or gum disease. Having a personal care at home provider help brush those teeth every day is just one way to keep the mouth healthy.

Flossing Between the Teeth

In addition to brushing twice a day, your loved one should be flossing during at least one of those brushings. Each tooth should be flossed on both sides (even the back teeth that don’t have another tooth next to it). Holding floss and twisting the wrists to get all the right angles can become painful for a loved one who has arthritis. She may want to just avoid this important step in oral care altogether. A personal care at home provider can help with flossing those hard-to-reach teeth, making sure nothing is hiding out between those teeth waiting to cause tooth decay.

Brushing the tongue

Many people don’t remember to brush their tongues when they brush their teeth, but keeping the tongue clean is also an important step in good oral health. The tongue gets bacteria on it just like the teeth and one of the main side effects of this is bad breath. But brushing the tongue will also help your loved one to taste her food better and prevent oral thrush (a condition where too much bacteria is on the tongue).

Reviewing the Mouth for any Abnormalities

It’s hard to see inside one’s mouth and your senior may not be able to notice if there is a sore or discoloration that has appeared inside of her mouth that needs to be checked out by a professional. A personal care at home provider will review her mouth for any abnormalities each time she helps her brush her teeth.

Scheduling Regular Dentist Visits

A personal care at home provider can help your loved one stay on top of regular dental visits by helping her maintain a regular appointment schedule. She can track them on the calendar for her and assist with scheduling them as needed.

Good oral hygiene is important for all ages. If your loved one struggles with it, consider getting her some help with a personal care at home provider.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Personal Care Services in Tamarac FL, please get in touch with the caring staff at Star Multi Care today. Call 954-962-0926

Star Multi Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Florida including Palm Beach, Miami Dade, and Broward County.

Stephen Sternbach

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