Senior Care in Tamarac CA
The commonly overlooked consideration when it comes to any type of senior care is whether or not the elderly individual would know what to do if they had to contact emergency personnel. May 17th through the 23rd is EMS Week, and that makes this a great opportunity to discuss the prospect of a senior having to call emergency services, whether it’s for themselves, a spouse, a friend, or other loved one.
Dialing 911 is easy.
The vast majority of people in the United States don’t have any prior experience contacting or dialing 911. It sounds like a very simple thing, but it’s a good idea to understand the basics to avoid delaying getting proper care.
Whenever possible, call from a landline phone.
It’s a good idea to call 911 from a landline phone rather than a cell phone. Emergency services would be able to determine the exact address where the call originates, so they can get emergency personnel on their way to the senior’s home even while they determine the state of the emergency itself.
Make sure cell phones are registered to the specific address. If the senior has a cell phone, carries it with them at all times, it’s important to ensure that the cell phone is registered to a specific address. If family members got the cell phone for them, that address could point emergency services to the family member’s home, rather than the seniors. Also, if the phone was purchased in a different town than where the senior lives, the 911 call could go through the wrong operations center, delaying emergency services for the person who needs it.
State name and address right away.
When panicking, it’s difficult to remain calm, but the senior should always state his or her name and address clearly for the operator, even if calling from a landline or cell phone that is specifically registered to that particular address. This helps to calm the individual down and provides valuable information to the operator. Then, it’s important for the senior to explain the state of the emergency as clearly as possible.
Panicking and saying things like, “Please send help, hurry, I don’t know what to do,” and so much more is only going to delay information that is essential for emergency services. It’s a good idea to run through a mock emergency situation to be certain that your elderly mother is physically and mentally equipped to contact emergency personnel if the need arises.
If you or a family member near Tamarac, FL are in need of senior care services, call the caring professionals at Star Multi Care today at (954) 870-4770. Providing Service in Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton, Pompano Beach, Delray Beach, Coconut Creek, Taramac, Margate, and surrounding Florida cities.
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