Senior Care News

What Happens If My Senior Parent Falls At Home?

24-hour home care means that a caregiver will always be awake and in the home so that if your mom or dad falls a caregiver is there to help them.

It’s scary when your senior mom or dad falls at home, especially if you live far away. But even if you live close to your parent if they fall at home you may not know what to do. If your mom or dad is living alone they should have 24-hour home care services, especially if they have limited mobility.

24-Hour Home Care Coconut Creek FL - What Happens If My Senior Parent Falls At Home?
24-Hour Home Care Coconut Creek FL – What Happens If My Senior Parent Falls At Home?

f your mom or dad doesn’t have any type of in-home care now call today to find out more about 24-hour home care and other home care options.

If your mom or dad has home care and they fall and get hurt this is what will happen:

The Caregiver Will Call EMS

The first thing that a care provider will do if your mom or dad falls is call EMS. Even if your mom or dad doesn’t think they are hurt a caregiver will call EMS because your mom or dad needs to be examined to make sure they didn’t break anything. Seniors can easily break bones when they fall.

The Caregiver Will Call You

Then the care provider will call you and let you know what is going on. If you are close, they will tell you what hospital you should meet your senior parent at. If you’re not close enough to be there in person they can stay on the phone with you or video chat with you so that you can stay up to date on everything that happening.

The Caregiver Will Make Sure EMS Can Get Through

While the EMS team is on their way your mom or dad’s care provider will make sure that the door is open, the house is accessible, and that the medical team will be able to get their equipment into the home to help your mom or dad.

The Caregiver Will Keep Your Senior Parent Comfortable

The care provider will also be making sure that your senior parent is as comfortable as possible. They can provide comfort and reassurance so that your senior parent isn’t scared. If the fall is in the middle of the night the care provider can make sure that your senior parent has slippers, clothing, a robe, or whatever they need to maintain their comfort and dignity during transport to the hospital.

If your mom or dad has a hospital bag ready to go that contains emergency supplies like extra socks, shoes, clothes, a special blanket, or things like extra glasses the care provider will make sure the bag is sent with your senior parent to the hospital.

The Caregiver Will Make Sure Your Senior Parent Gets Safely To The Emergency Room

If you can’t be there because you live far away the care provider will make sure that your senior parent is taken safely to the hospital and gets the care they need.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in Coconut Creek FL, please get in touch with the caring staff at Star Multi Care today. Call 954-962-0926

Star Multi Care is a Trusted Home Care Agency in Florida including Palm Beach, Miami Dade, and Broward County.

Stephen Sternbach
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